Memahami IT Service Management dan Mengapa Ia Penting

Apakah kamu tengah mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan teknologi informasi? Mungkin, IT service management atau ITSM adalah istilah yang kerap kali kamu temui.

Sudahkah kamu memahami apa yang dimaksud dengannya? Lantas, bagaimana teknis proses penerapannya?

Dirangkum dari Atlassian, Fresh Service, Guru99, dan Motadata, inilah informasinya, hanya untukmu.

Apa itu ITSM?

Secara sederhana, IT service management atau yang biasa disingkat dengan ITSM adalah sebuah usaha dari tim IT untuk memberikan layanan IT dengan memprioritaskan pelanggan.

Tim IT yang dimaksud biasanya gabungan dari orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab atas desain, penciptaan produk, dan lain-lain.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, ITSM juga bisa disebut manajemen layanan teknologi informasi.

Layanan IT ini bisa diberikan kepada pelanggan. Akan tetapi, ITSM juga bisa diimplementasikan di dalam perusahaan, lho!

Metode ITSM dapat digunakan dalam layanan pengadaan hardware, software, dan lain-lain.

Dengan memprioritaskan kepada siapa tim IT memberikan layanan, perusahaan tentu akan diuntungkan karena fokus pada customer dan ekspektasi mereka.

ITSM muncul karena sebuah pandangan bahwa teknologi informasi merupakan hal yang sangat berkaitan dengan layanan.

Lantas, apa pentingnya pandangan ini, dan mengapa ITSM bisa menjadi solusinya?

Mengapa ITSM Penting?

Ternyata, menerapkan metode ini bisa membuat perusahaan memiliki lebih banyak keuntungan, lho! Berbagai alasan mengapa ITSM penting adalah:

  • menyelaraskan tim IT dengan prioritas bisnis
  • menempatkan pelanggan sebagai pengguna di tempat nomor satu
  • memungkinkan kolaborasi di antara berbagai departemen
  • dapat melakukan koordinasi dengan lebih efektif dan efisien
  • meningkatkan kecepatan layanan apabila terjadi masalah IT

Proses ITSM

Kamu telah mengetahui bahwa IT service management atau ITSM adalah sebuah proses. Nah, apa saja, sih, yang menjadi komponen dari proses itu?

Secara umum, berbagai manajemen yang dilakukan dalam proses ini di antaranya:

  • manajemen masalah, untuk melihat akar penyebab suatu masalah
  • manajemen aset, untuk melihat aset IT yang dimiliki perusahaan atau pelanggan
  • manajemen perubahan, memastikan apakah prosedur yang dilakukan sudah efektif dan efisien, atau masih butuh berbagai penyesuaian agar bisa menjadi lebih baik
  • manajemen insiden, untuk menanggapi dan bersiap-siap apabila terjadi suatu masalah IT
  • manajemen finansial, membuat pelayanan yang biayanya seefisien mungkin
  • dan lain-lain

ITSM vs ITIL vs DevOps

Dalam dunia IT, hal yang serupa tapi tak sama dengan IT service management adalah ITIL dan DevOps.

Memang, ketiganya memiliki berbagai kesamaan. Akan tetapi, perbedaan di antara mereka juga cukup jelas.

Agar kamu semakin memahaminya, Glints akan menjelaskan tiga istilah ini satu per satu kepadamu.


Kamu tentu telah memahami istilah ini dari uraian informasi di atas.

ITSM adalah proses atau usaha dari tim IT untuk memberikan layanan IT.


Nah, ITIL merupakan singkatan dari IT infrastructure library. Sejatinya, ITIL merupakan salah satu metode pendekatan ITSM.

ITIL merupakan suatu cara, sementara ITSM adalah tujuannya.

Sering kali, ITIL dipandang sebagai aturan atau aturan baku untuk ITSM. Padahal, ITIL hanyalah panduan yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan konteks yang terjadi dalam tim IT.


Istilah terakhir adalah DevOps. DevOps memiliki penekanan membuat proses penciptaan produk yang secepat mungkin melalui kolaborasi.

Dengan alasan inilah, sering kali, DevOps dibenturkan dengan ITSM. ITSM memprioritaskan kualitas, sementara DevOps mendahulukan kecepatan.

Padahal, tentu saja, apa yang terjadi tak selalu hitam putih. Keduanya dibutuhkan dan bisa saling menopang tim IT.

Tak bisa dipungkiri, DevOps dan ITSM sama-sama menginginkan kolaborasi dalam tim IT. Bukan tak mungkin, kedua hal ini diterapkan secara bersama-sama.

Demikian informasi dari Glints soal IT service management. Terapkan dalam tim IT-mu untuk memberikan pengalaman maksimal kepada pelanggan, ya!

Sejatinya, memahami ITSM adalah salah satu langkah baik untuk memperbaiki kualitas layanan teknologi informasi dalam tim.

Akan tetapi, masih banyak hal lain yang bisa kamu terapkan. Kamu bisa mendapat informasi mengenai hal ini melalui newsletter blog Glints.

Jangan sampai ketinggalan kabar terbarunya, ya. Langganan gratis sekarang juga!


iLO Initial Access

Would you like to learn how to perform the iLO initial access using the web interface?In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to access the iLO web interface and where to get the default password on an HP Server like the DL380.

Equipment list

The following section presents the list of equipment used to create this tutorial.

  • iLO
  • DL-380 Server
  • Dual Port Ethernet Adapter
  • Switch 1920 – 24 Ports
  • Patch Cord
  • Cable Tester

HP iLO Playlist:

On this page, we offer quick access to a list of videos related to HP iLO.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our youtube channel named FKIT.

HP iLO Related Tutorial:

On this page, we offer quick access to a list of tutorials related to HP iLO.

Tutorial – iLO Initial Access

Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your iLO interface and access the administrative web interface.

By default, your iLO interface is configured to use a DHCP IP address.

If you don’t know the IP address of your iLO interface, you need to access the DHCP server and verify the IP address leased to the iLO interface.

On the DHCP server, you need to look for a device using the name listed on the HP TAG.

In our example, the HP Tag specifies the hostname ILOBRC5216H1J.

On the prompt screen, enter the administrative login information.

Factory default access information:
• Username: Administrator
• Password: Available on the information label of your server

After a successful login, the administrative menu will be displayed.

Access the iLO Administration menu and select the User Administration option.

On the User Administration screen, select the Administrator user and click on the Edit button.

Change the Administrator password and click on the Update User button


Handling Xero Webhooks With a Laravel Application

I’ve built a Laravel 7 client management application to manage complex billing for another much larger product. The application creates an invoice and dynamic line items (based on active features, licence overages, crazy pricing tiers, custom discounts and ad-hoc unique items) locally and then exports it to Xero via their API.

Using a daily scheduled job, the payment for these invoices are processed days later using Stripe (credit card or BECS) based on the respective client’s payment terms. A successful payment will then be applied to the invoice in Xero.

But what if a client pays their invoice before the payment due date, or if our in-house finance team make a change to the invoice once it’s in Xero? My application needs to know to ensure the client is not paying twice or paying the wrong amount when it’s picked up by the scheduled job.

Xero Webhooks to the rescue!

In Xero Developer you can set your app to subscribe to webhooks for both Invoices and Contacts. I have subscribed to invoice events only (update and create)… not that I care about create events.

There are a few things you need to configure in your application to satisfy Xero and safely accept payloads. This process is part of the Intent to Receive, which is essentially Xero checking you’re ready to accept payloads and that you’re verifying that the payloads are cryptographically correct.

Xero doesn’t want to be firing webhooks to something that’s not listening, so they will also rate limit based on how your application responds. Xero is expecting timely and accurate response codes (200 or 401).

“If we don’t receive an acceptable response when sending events we will continue retrying the request, with decreasing frequency for up to 24 hours. After 24 hours the webhook will be disabled and needs to be re-enabled.”

There are a few parts to this process, so follow this article and the instructions in order and you should have a relatively pain-free time configuring your application.

Add the webhook key to your .env file

Grab your Xero App’s Webhook key.

You will likely already have your Xero Client ID and Client Secret in your .env file, so create a new environment variable for XERO_WEBHOOK_KEY.

Add a new key-value pair to your config file for Xero.

‘signing_key’ => env(‘XERO_WEBHOOK_KEY’),

Use middleware to verify the payload

Abstract the request signature verification process to route middleware to ensure the payload is correctly signed.

In Terminal, use Artisan to create a new middleware:

php artisan make:middleware VerifyXeroToken

Add a new key-value pair to your route middleware array in Kernal.php.

‘verify_xero’ => \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyXeroToken::class,

In hindsight, it would have been more accurate if I named this middleware ‘VerifyXeroSignature’.

In Terminal, use Artisan to create a new Controller to handle the webhook events:

php artisan make:controller XeroWebhookController

Create a new route in api.php for the incoming webhooks. Assign your new middleware to this route.

Route::post(‘webhook/xero’, ‘XeroWebhookController@handle’)->middleware(‘verify_xero’);

Create a public URL using Ngrok for testing configurations

You will need to have a public URL to receive webhooks from Xero. This is made extremely easy with Laravel using a service called Ngrok via Valet (if you’re a Mac user). Ngrok will create a public URL and tunnel traffic to your localhost.

In Terminal, run the following command (Mac users):

valet share

You’ll be presented with this beauty. Don’t be concerned if you see some other connection success/failure information here. Those will clear out once you start receiving HTTP requests.

The generated ‘Forwarding’ URL is your new public URL. Copy the https version of the URL and add it to the ‘Send notifications to’ section of your Xero App’s Webhook settings.

Press ‘Save’, but hold off on sending the ‘Intent to receive’ until your middleware and Controller are both configured.

Configure your middleware

In the handle method, we’re going to create a key using the payload contents and our application’s assigned signature key. We’ll then compare that to the signature key provided by Xero in the request header. If they don’t match, we need to return a 401, otherwise, the request can pass through to the next step.

After successfully passing through the middleware, the request will be routed to your controller. For testing purposes, simply return a 200 response to Xero without evaluating the payload any further.

Once you have successfully passed the ‘Intent to receive’ process, you can build out this Controller to handle the payload.

Send the Intent to Receive

You’re now ready to send the intent to receive. Press ‘Send Intent to receive’.

Xero will send multiple webhook events to your endpoint to verify your configuration.

In my Terminal screenshot above, you can that I received 4 events and only 1 of them was a correctly signed payload.

Xero is now satisfied, so you’re ready to build your Controller.

Process the request

You’re now through the hardest part and can process the payload events as you wish!

In the Controller handle method, I’m iterating over the payload events and actioning only the invoice update events. For each event, I save the payload to the database for future reference.

Because Xero expects a response within 5 seconds and the payload contains very little information, I need to make a call back to Xero to get the current invoice version. These calls could take some time and I can’t keep Xero waiting, so I dispatch the processing to a queue using a job I’ve called SyncXeroInvoice.

After iterating through the events, I return a successful 200 response with an empty body as per Xero’s requirements.

By now the SyncXeroInvoice job is processing in the background. My local invoice will be updated with the latest line items and payments information from Xero.

When it comes time to process a payment for this invoice, my application will now have the correct information.

Hopefully, this article helps you implement webhooks in your application. Let me know if you have any comments or feedback. Happy coding!

Tip: Use Postman during testing

If your application doesn’t respond correctly to Xero (with a 401 or 200), Xero will rate-limit the sending of webhook events.

While you’re building out your Controller, I recommend replicating a successful request payload into a tool like ‘Postman’.

In the Terminal screenshot above, you will notice there’s a web interface for Ngrok (mine is

From the Ngrok menu, select ‘Inspect’. Here you will find each request, related JSON payload and the x-xero-signature header.

Grab the payload, the header and build the request in Postman. Send the same payload to your application as many times as you need!

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(unifi-video) Hardware type:Unknown

UniFi-Video Products End of Life Announcement

Install Unifi Video Controller versi 3.10.13 baik dari download atau dengan menggunakan script dari gagal tanpa menghasilkan log sama sekali. Hanya saat dilihat pada status memunculkan hasil sbb:

Feb 10 11:59:19 szlin1 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Ubiquiti unifi-video...
Feb 10 11:59:19 szlin1 unifi-video[1917]:  * Starting Ubiquiti UniFi Video unifi-video
Feb 10 11:59:20 szlin1 unifi-video[1996]: (unifi-video) Hardware type:Unknown
Feb 10 11:59:20 szlin1 unifi-video[1996]: (unifi-video) checking for and truststore files...
Feb 10 11:59:21 szlin1 unifi-video[1917]:!
Feb 10 11:59:21 szlin1 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Ubiquiti unifi-video.

dari disimpulkan uvc tidak disupport java diatas versi 1.8.217


  1. Downgrade java 8. Dengan menginstall ulang openjdk-8-jre-headless versi 8u275
  2. Menggunakan jre versi dari oracle

Menginstall jre dari oracle versi 8u271

  1. Unduh “jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz” dari Yang diperlukan adalah JRE! bukan JDK, jadi harus sedikit gulung kebawah pada bagian “Java SE Runtime Environment 8u271”
    Untuk unduh tanpa harus register bisa menggunakan URL:
    Berikut cara unduh pada console
    wget -O jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz
  2. Sebagai root (sudo su) lakukan langkah-langkah berikut:
mkdir -p /usr/local/java
cd /usr/local/java
tar zxvf jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz
rm jre-8u271-linux-x64.tar.gz
update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_271/bin/java" 1
update-alternatives --config java (pilih nomor yang baru saja dipasang, contoh):
* 1      /usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_271/bin/java      1     manual mode
echo "JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_271" | tee -a /etc/default/unifi
  1. reboot dan nikmati.

Unduh UVC v3.10.13 di

Kandang UniFi Script announcement di post pada

One Clik Migration to Unifi Protect:

Cara Mengatur Desain Pantry yang Ciamik

Pantry adalah dapur bersih. Pantry sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari ruang dapur yang digunakan untuk menyimpan makanan ringan, minuman, dan peratalan dapur modern.

Untuk itu, desain pantry dibuat semodern mungkin agar terlihat rapi dan selalu bersih. Desain ruang pantry dilengkapi dengan kabinet dan lemari untuk menyimpan barang dan makanan serta minuman.

Konsep pantry berawal dari Eropa dan Amerika. Istilah Pantry sendiri berasal dari Bahasa Inggris, yaitu ruangan yang difungsikan untuk menyimpan barang pecah belah atau makanan dan minuman.

Di Eropa, fungsi utama pantry adalah untuk menyimpan stok minuman anggur. Itu sebabnya, di ruang pantry tersedia banyak lemari dan dilengkapi dengan meja minum atau bar.

Dan sekarang ini keberadaan pantry dilengkapi juga dengan alat untuk memasak makanan tapi yang berkerja secara elektronik, seperti misalnya microwave. Pantry dengan konsep seperti ini biasanya diaplikasikan pada bangunan rumah yang berukuran cukup besar guna untuk melayani tamu langsung “on the spot”.

Di Indonesia sendiri kebiasaan memasak tentunya berbeda dengan orang Eropa atau barat. Cara memasak yang lebih rumit membuat orang Indonesia memilih untuk membangun dapur dibandingkan pantry.

Tapi tidak jarang, ada saja yang sudah memiliki dapur, juga masih berkeinginan untuk membuat pantry. Hanya saja semua ini memang tergantung pada keinginan serta selera pemilik rumah yang memang punya kuasa terhadap segala isinya.

Perbedaan Konsep Pantry dan Dapur

Kebanyakan dari kita masih belum memahami benar bagaimana perbedaan konsep pantry dan dapur itu dibuat. Mungkin, untuk sebagian yang bekerja di perkantoran sudah cukup paham perbedaan keduanya. Karena biasanya di kantor juga tersedia ruang pantry.

Berikut ini penjelasan mengenai perbedaan keduanya:

  • Pantry atau dapur bersih, yaitu ruangan yang biasanya disatukan dengan ruang keluarga atau ruang makan, yang dilengkapi dengan lemari atau cabinet untuk menyimpan makanan.
  • Dapur, yaitu sudut ruangan dari sebuah bangunan rumah yang biasanya digunakan untuk memasak. Dapur ini difungsikan untuk menyiapkan hidangan termasuk kegiatan memasak, menghangatkan makanan sebelum disajikan, ataupun digunakan untuk aktivitas membersihkan peralatan dapur.

Dari segi penampilannya dapur didesain tidak sebagus dari pantry, namun perlengkapan rumah tangganya bisa jadi lebih lengkap meskipun secara kualitas dan harga dibawah appliance pantry.

Oleh karenanya dapur digunakan untuk memasak masakan yang prosesnya rumit dan memakan waktu yang lama. Sementara itu pantry untuk membuat masakan simple dan gampang, tanpa memerlukan perabot dapur yang lengkap.

Mengatur Desain Pantry yang Ciamik

Ketika sudah memutuskan untuk membuat ruang pantry di rumah, maka harus pintar-pintar mengatur desainnya. Berikut ini adalah cara membuat desain pantry ciamik sehingga enak dipandang:

  1. Pertama perlu diketahui jika pantry pada umumnya dibuat dengan konsep desain yang modern. Pilihlah meja dan kursi yang desainnya sederhana dengan bahan yang ringan sehingga tidak muncul kesan yang berat atau penuh pada ruang tersebut.
  2. Tambahkan perabot seperti elektronik seperti kulkas dua pintu, microwave, hods (penghisap asap), hobs (kompor), dan sebagainya.
  3. Letakkan kursi secukupnya, jangan terlalu banyak. Tiga atau empat sudah cukup. Pilih desain kursi yang mampu menampilkan kesan santai dan tidak terlalu formal. Bisa menggunakan kursi yang tidak memiliki sandaran, atau kursi yang terbuat dari bahan rotan, baik rotan alami ataupun rotan sintetis. Selain furniture berbahan rotan, kamu juga bisa memilih furniture yang berbahan aklirik.
  4. Pilih perabot atau furniture pelangkap lainnya yang desainnya praktis, ringkas serta effisien. Gunakan meja yang bisa dilipat atau didorong. Atau dapat juga memesannya kepada pengrajin untuk dibuat custom yang disatukan dengan cabinet. Sehingga saat sedang tidak ditempati, ruang pantry lebih terlihat luas dan lapang. Kamu bisa melihat konsep ruangan di apartemen yang umumnya dibuat praktis, minimalis dan efisien.
  5. Gunakan penyekat yang sifatnyab tidak permanen antara ruang dapur dan pantry.
  6. Akses antara dapur dan pantry didesain mudah untuk lalu lalang para penghuni ataupun tamu.

Itulah ulasan mengenai apa itu pantry, perbedaannya dengan dapur, dan desain pantry agar terlihat indah. Jika kamu ingin menciptakan suasana yang berbeda, ruang pantry juga bisa dijadikan sekaligus sebagai ruang makan lho. Oleh karenanya, kamu bisa menjamu tamu di ruang pantry ini.

Ukuran Kitchen Set dan Pilihan Model Layoutnya untuk Rumah Minimalis

Pembangunan rumah minimalis harus banyak memperhitungkan kebutuhan dan ukuran struktur yang akan dibuat. Mulai dari ukuran ruang tamu hingga ukuran luas dapur. Luas dapur umumnya sebesar 10% dari luas rumah. Luas dapur rumah minimalis sekitar 4 – 5 m² sudah cukup bermanfaat untuk dapat dipakai aktifitas.

Agar luas dapur bisa lebih efektif dan efisien, salah satu yang wajib diperhitungkan adalah ukuran kitchen set dan model layout-nya. Dengan kitchen set yang berukuran ideal, maka aktifitas yang kamu lakukan akan lebih nyaman, namun jika kamu salah memperhitungkan ukuran dari kitchen set, maka kegiatan di dapur akan mudah terhambat. Sedangkan untuk pemilihan model layout kitchen set akan memberikan efek pada tampilan dapur kamu, apakah elegan atau tidak, nyaman atau tidak, dan praktis atau tidak.

Ukuran dan Pilihan Model Kitchen Set : souce image via

Ukuran Standar Kitchen Set

Kitchen set dapat dikatakan sebagai perlengkapan dapur yang multifungsi karena memiliki fasilitas penyimpanan, fasilitas pencucian hingga fasilitas untuk kerja. Fasilitas penyimpanan diwakili oleh lemari cabinet, fasilitas pencucian sudah tentu diwakili oleh bak cuci piring dan fasilitas kerja diakomodir oleh kompor, microwave atau oven serta top table.

Berikut ini ukuran bagian-bagian dari kitchen set yang perlu diperhatikan:

  1. Area Kerja

Area kerja yang dimaksud di sini adalah adanya ruang bebas yang dipersiapkan antara counter (meja) satu dengan counter lainnya yang letaknya berhadapan. Atau area kerja di sini juga bisa diartikan area yang digunakan berjalan bolak-balik di dapur. Jarak yang perlu kamu persiapkan di sini kurang lebih adalah 80 – 115 cm (seperti gambar di atas pada bagian gambar yang kanan) untuk memudahkan kamu mengambil barang yang berada di bawah atau menaruh rak piring di lantai bawah yang mengharuskan kamu untuk membungkuk.

Sedangkan untuk ukuran jarak antara meja satu dengan yang lainnya yang harus kamu persiapkan adalah kurang lebih 120 cm.

  1. Ketinggian

Ketinggian yang dimaksud di sini adalah ketinggian yang akan kamu pergunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan seperti mencuci piring, meracik, dan memasak yang umumnya dilakukan pada meja dapur yang dilengkapi dengan kabinet bawah. Ada baik nya ketinggian yang harus kamu atur adalah ketinggian yang membuat kamu nyaman dalam melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut. Seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di atas, ketinggian ideal sebuah sekitar area pinggul kamu kurang lebih sekitar 85 cm dari lantai.

  1. Jarak Ideal

Untuk menjalankan aktivitas di dapur, kamu harus memastikan jarak ideal kitchen set. Sesuai gambar di atas, jarak yang ideal antara meja dapur dan kabinet atas adalah sekitar 50-70 cm. Dengan jarak tersebut akan mempermudah kamu untuk menggapai barang yang ada di kabinet atas.

  1. Lebar Meja dengan Struktur Kabinet Bawah

Salah satu hal terpenting adalah lebar meja dapur atau kabinet bawah. Kabinet bawah ini berguna sebagai meja untuk area kamu meracik, memasak dan mencuci. Lebar meja dapur yang ideal adalah kurang lebih sekitar 50-70 cm, dengan ukuran panjang 60–150 cm (untuk kabinet bawah dengan dua pintu) dan tinggi 70-85 cm.

Kabinet bawah ini dapat diisi dengan keranjang yang dapat ditarik sehingga sangat membantu karena perabot atau bahan makanan yang disimpan menjadi mudah dijangkau.

  1. Lebar Kabinet Atas

Kabinet atas tergantung setinggi mata manusia atau 150 cm di atas permukaan lantai. Untuk kabinet atas sebaiknya memiliki lebar kurang lebih sekitar 35 cm agar saat kamu melakukan kegiatan masak memasak tidak mengenai kepala. Berikut ini ukuran ideal kabinet atas:

  • Ukuran lemari cabinet atas satu pintu menggunakan ukuran panjang 40 – 60 cm, lebar maksimal 35 cm dan tinggi kabinet 36/66/100 cm.
  • Ukuran Lemari cabinet atas dua pintu menggunakan ukuran panjang 70 – 150 cm, lebar 35 cm, dan tinggi 50/66/100 cm.

Kabinet atas gantung sangat efisien untuk menyimpan barang peranti makan porselen dan menyimpan makanan kaleng.

  1. Rak Terbuka

Rak terbuka ini bisa didesain pada lemari atas, bawah maupun lemari dinding. Rak ini memiliki fungsi untuk menyimpan panci dan teko yang sering digunakan ketika memasak. Ukuran rak terbuka ini bervariasi tergantung dengan ukuran lemari kabinet atas.

  1. Lemari Kabinet Laci

Lemari ini biasanya terletak di lemari bawah. Meskipun fungsi utamanya adalah untuk menyimpan benda-benda kecil seperti sendok dan garpu, kini ukuran lemari laci dibuat besar dan dalam sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan panci dan wajan. Ukuran laci yang dipakai mengikuti bentuk lemari cabinet dengan panjang sekitar 45-60cm dan lebar 60 cm.

  1. Lekukan Bawah Kabinet

Untuk lekukan bawah kabinet sekitar 10-15 cm, agar kamu dapat dengan nyaman berdiri tegak menghadap meja dapur. Lekukan ini juga akan memudahkan kamu saat melakukan pembersihan area dapur seperti misal nya menyapu dan mengepel.

  1. Lemari sudut
Contoh Lemari Sudut

Untuk memanfaatkan sudut dapur yang biasanya menjadi tempat yang terbuang karena bagian ini sulit dijangkau adalah dengan membuat lemari sudut. Lemari ini dibuat dengan dua pintu lemari yang kedua pegangannya berada disudut lemari atau dengan pintu berengsel dobel sehingga ketika kedua pintu dibuka, lemari dapat tebuka lebar–lebar dan seluruh isi lemari dapat terbuka.

Untuk ukuran lemari cabinet sudut menggunakan ukuran panjang 65 – 100 cm, lebar sisi yang panjang 85 – 100 cm, lebar sisi yang pendek 60 cm dan tinggi 85 cm.

Pilihan Model Layout Kitchen Set

Selain ukuran kitchen set, kamu juga harus mengetahui beberapa model layout kitchen set yang dapat kamu pilih. Untuk mewujudkan dapur yang layak pakai dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dari penghuni, berikut ini adalah beberapa model kitchean set untuk rumah sederhana dengan luas dapur 4 – 5 m².

A. Single Line Layout

Kitchen Set Single Line

Single line layout adalah salah satu model layout dapur yang bisa dibilang paling simpel dengan bentuk dasar garis lurus. Dibandingkan dengan model layout kitchen set lainnya, barang-barang yang ada di dapur seperti kulkas dapat diletakkan searah dan sejajar.

Tipe kitchen set ini biasa diletakkan menempel pada dinding ruangan. Semua peralatan memasak sejajar dalam satu garis. Kitchen set model ini memiliki ukuran sekitar 200-220 cm dengan ukuran tinggi kabinet bawah kurang lebih sekitar 85-100 cm.

B. Layout L

Kitchen Set Layout Model Huruf L

Model layout ini sangat cocok dipergunakan pada sudut ruangan. Model kitchen set huruf L ini dapat didesain dengan menyatu pada ruang makan.

Ukuran dari model layout ini memiliki lebar kurang lebih 60 cm, tinggi sekitar 85 cm, dan panjang sekitar 300 cm. Ukuran stkamur yang dipergunakan adalah sebagai berikut;

  • Kabinet bawah berukuran sekitar 200 cm x 70 cm x 60 cm
  • Kabinet atas berukuran sekitar 300 cm x 30 cm x 100 cm.

Penempatan kitchen set menempel pada dinding ruangan dan membentuk konfigurasi seperti huruf L. Walapun berbentuk huruf L. kitchen set model ini tidak harus diletakkan pada sudut ruangan. Adapun bahan yang biasa digunakan adalah bahan multiplek.

Dengan menggunakan model layout ini maka ruangan akan terlihat lebih luas.

C. Layout U


Kitchen set berbentuk huruf U ini biasa digunakan di dapur yang berbentuk persegi dengan luas dapur yang cukup besar. Seperti pada gambar di atas, posisi sing atau tempat cuci piring berseberangan dengan kulkas atau diapit oleh meja dan tempat untuk memasak.

Berikut ini beberapa keuntungan yang didapat dengan kitchen yang ber-layout U:

  • Setiap space pada kitchen set model huruf U ini membuat penghuni serasa menjadi peserta kompetisi memasak di televisi.
  • Model dapur ber-layout U memberikan kemudahan bagi penghuni saat menata dan menempatkan peralatan dapur.
  • Kondisinya yang tidak terlalu besar dan berbentuk U yang mengelilingi penghuni saat memasak, membuat perabotan dapur mudah dijangkau.
  • Dapat memaksimalkan storage dapur dengan penempataan kabinet atau lemari gantung yang ditempatkan hampir di setiap sisi dinding.
  • Ruangan dapur berbentuk U membuat kegiatan dapur yang semakin leluasa dan menyenangkan. Ruang dapur pun terasa sangat rapi juga nyaman.

D. Layout Breakfast Nook


Bagi kamu yang menginginkan model dapur sederhana namun suasananya unik, kamu bisa memilih model layout dapur bertipe breakfast nook ini. Model dapur sederhana ini dilengkapi dengan sofa atau kursi yang empuk dan meja kecil untuk menempatkan menu sarapan.

Model layout breakfast nook ini bisa dipergunakan di area dapur apartemen atau rumah minimalis dengan ruang dapur yang sangat terbatas.


Dalam memilih ukuran kitchen set dan model layout dapur ini kamu harus memperhitungkan pencahayaan yang masuk ke dalam dapur. Lantai yang berada di dapur kamu juga perlu diperhatikan agar dapur yang super mungil ini dapat dengan nyaman kamu pergunakan untuk kegiatan masak memasak.

Hal terpenting berikutnya adalah pemilihan material yang akan dipergunakan untuk membuat kitchen set kamu. Kualitas super tinggi dan ketahanan material tersebut akan memengaruhi kenyamanan kamu saat berada di area dapur. Dan untuk menambah kenyamanan sebaik nya kamu memilih cat untuk dapur kamu dengan warna-warna yang lebih soft agar kenyamanan di dapur lebih terasa lagi.

Dan itulah penjelasan dari kami mengenai ukuran kitchen set sesuai standar yang umum dipakai oleh perumahan di Indonesia. Semoga dapar mempermudah bagi kamu yang sedang merencanakan model ktchen set untuk rumah idamanmu.


API Authentication with LDAP and Laravel Passport

This article takes us through installation and configuration of LDAP and Laravel Passport on a Laravel project. This will enable API authentication with access and refresh tokens using existing Active Directory accounts.

Laravel comes with a fluent auth out of the box. For those wanting to use it as an API that manages its own API authentication, Passport does a fantastic job in that regard. Going further, some enterprise systems will require you to use their existing Active Directory accounts so everyone is saved from having to save gazillion passwords. And yes, Laravel LDAP does that well too.

Wait, it looks like there is no case where this article can come in after all. Maybe not just yet. What if you are required to develop an API for a mobile app but to be used by an enterprise? They require their Active Directory. They memorize one password. And you, on the other hand, require Laravel Passport to manage the app’s authentication with those tokens. Let’s crack this one up!

First, let’s set up the laravel application with

laravel new ldap-passport

Then install the two composer packages

cd ldap-passport
composer require adldap2/adldap2-laravel
composer require laravel/passport

You can find the config details of adaldap installation on their docs

Since traditionally you cannot use LDAP and Passport together out of the box, we will draw their lines in our auth config file and in LoginController so that LDAP handles the authentication with Active Directory, and pass on to Passport to issue tokens to the client.

To achieve this, first we change the api guard to passport and users provider to ldap as in the code snippet below.


return [

    // ...

    'guards' => [
        'web' => [
            'driver' => 'session',
            'provider' => 'users',

        'api' => [
            // Change the driver to 'passport'
            'driver' => 'passport',
            'provider' => 'users',
            'hash' => false,

    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            // Change the driver to 'ldap'
            'driver' => 'ldap',
            'model' => App\User::class,
    // ...


Next we proceed to our login controller. We will attempt to login with our user provider defined above

Auth::attempt(['username' => request('username'), 'password' => request('password'), true)

Then we fetch the passport client to use with the request. We assume (of course we require) the consumers of the API to pass their client’s API key in the request header.

$client = PassportClient::findClientBySecret(request()->header("apiKey"));

And then we use the client to generate API tokens to return to the client

$passport = (new PassportAuthenticator($request))->authenticate($client, request('username'), request('password'));

And finally we have out API tokens!

return response()->json([
    "access_token" => $passport->access_token,
    "expires_in" => $passport->expires_in,
    "refresh_token" => $passport->refresh_token,
], 200),

The complete login controller should like the one below


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Passport\Authenticator as PassportAuthenticator;
use App\Models\Passport\PassportClient;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

class LoginController extends Controller

    use AuthenticatesUsers;

    protected $redirectTo = '/home';

    public function __construct()

    public function username()
        return 'username';

     * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
     * @param LoginInterface $login
     * @return JsonResponse
    public function login(ServerRequestInterface $request, LoginInterface $login): JsonResponse
        // Attempt logging in with ldap auth provider
        if (!Auth::attempt(['username' => $username, 'password' => $password], true))
            return response()->json(["error" => "The credentials provided do not match our records"], 401);

        if (!request()->header("apiKey")) 
          return response()->json(["error" => "Your client is not allowed on this app"], 401);

        // get the passport client using the API key passed in the request header
        $client = PassportClient::findClientBySecret(request()->header("apiKey"));

        // generate passport tokens
        $passport = (new PassportAuthenticator($request))
            ->authenticate($client, request('username'), request('password'));

        // return the tokens to the client
        return respose()->json([
            "access_token" => $passport->access_token,
            "expires_in" => $passport->expires_in,
            "refresh_token" => $passport->refresh_token,
        ], 200);

That sorts us out, right? Not just yet. At this stage, when subsequent requests are made, the API will try to authenticate with auth:api guard and that won’t work. So we will modify the Kernel to pass our custom middleware (which will refer to Passport Middleware anyway). Here is how…

'passport' => \Laravel\Passport\Http\Middleware\CheckClientCredentials::class,

We add that to the routeMiddleware array of our Http Kernel. So instead of using auth:api in our protected routes, we will use passport.

Route::post('blog', 'BlogController@store')-&gt;middleware('passport');

The very last thing, as you might have noticed, we did some abstraction in the Login Controller. There is a little more happening in PassportClient and PassportAuthenticator classes. That was necessary to keep our code concise and focus on the main objective of the tutorial. You can see what’s happening behind the scenes in the snippets below:


namespace App\Models\Passport;

use Laravel\Passport\Client;

class PassportClient extends Client
    public static function findClientBySecret($clientSecret): PassportClient
        return static::where('secret', $clientSecret)->get()->first();

// Credits to @ceekays

namespace App\Models\Passport;

use Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\HandlesOAuthErrors;
use Laravel\Passport\TokenRepository;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser as JwtParser;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response as Psr7Response;

class Authenticator
    use HandlesOAuthErrors;

    private $tokens;
    private $server;
    private $jwt;
    private $request = null;

    public function __construct(ServerRequestInterface $request)
        $this->jwt = resolve(JwtParser::class);
        $this->server = resolve(AuthorizationServer::class);
        $this->tokens = resolve(TokenRepository::class);
        $this->request = $request;

    public function authenticate(PassportClient $client, $username, $password)
        $request = $this->request->withParsedBody([
            "username" => $username,
            "password" => $password,
            "client_id" => $client->id,
            "client_secret" => $client->secret,
            "grant_type" => "password"

        $response = $this->withErrorHandling(function () use ($request) {
            return $this->convertResponse($this->server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, new Psr7Response));

        return json_decode($response);




Strategy In PHP 8 — (Design Patterns)

The design pattern strategy is one of my favorites, and in this article, I will show you how to implement it in real-life examples using PHP 8. You will learn more about the patterns, their pros, and cons.

About this series of articles

This article’s main goal is to teach you about this subject that I am passionate about. After writing two books about design patterns (In Brazil), I started this series of articles to share with them and help you become a more professional developer. I hope you enjoy it.

Keep it in mind: The most difficult part about learning design patterns is “when I should apply them.” My advice is to focus on the examples and try to think in different situations that you have a similar problem; it doesn’t matter the industry or type of project you work with. Design patterns are not related to a specific business. They are intended to solve programming problems related to algorithms’ behavior, the structure of your code, or even creating the objects on your application.

GitHub Repository:

Name: Strategy (also known as Policy)

Type: Behavioral (It changes your code at a behavior level).

Origin: from the book “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

The Problem

I want to introduce you to an example of a widespread problem that We developers use to face. Let’s imagine that you work in an e-commerce platform focused on the food industry.

In this hypothetical situation, each product sold online has a tax of 30%. Let’s assume that you sell the types of the product above:

|  Category   | Tax |
| Foods       | 30% |
| Electronics | 30% |
| Books       | 30% |

However, there was a change, and your country’s government started collecting taxes depending on what kind of product it is. Now the taxes look like this:

|  Category   | Tax |
| Foods       | 20% |
| Electronics | 40% |
| Books       |  0% |

If you think in terms of algorithm, your solution could look like something like this:

switch ($product->getCategory()) {
    case 'foods':
        // All the logic related to the calculation with 20% rate.
    case 'electronics':
        // All the logic related to the calculation with 40% rate.
    case 'foods':
        // All the logic related to the calculation with 0% rate.

It looks like a good solution, but if you look closer and start thinking about the future, it can be a big headache. We are not making use of object orientation, our software is not modular, and if we need to use the logic of tax calculation in another place, we probably will have to duplicate code. This is a simple example, and in real life, things are much more complex. Those Tax calculations would have much more complex logic and too many lines each one. If we put all different logics in the same class (It doesn’t matter if we are breaking them into methods), it will not be a reusable solution, it will be tough to test, and probably when it grows, and we have more categories (As you can imagine, it is a very probable situation) we will have problems changing the code.

We should see behind this problem that we have a group of algorithms with the same purpose (tax calculator); however, each has its own behavior and implementation.

The Strategy Pattern

The Strategy’s main goal is to define a family of algorithms that perform a similar operation, each with a different implementation. It splits each of the Algorithms (called strategies) in its own class, so we can use them through our whole application, test them easier, and even change the algorithms at run time.

The Strategy pattern is composed of two main elements:

  1. A Strategy Interface: This interface guarantees that all the strategies implemented will follow the same rules (with the same contract), and they will be interchangeable on our code.
  2. The concrete strategy classes: Those are the concrete implementations of our Strategies. We have one class with one/x method(s) defined in our interface. We can have as many strategies as necessary.
  3. Context class: This is the class that knows only the Strategy interface, it owns an instance of a concrete Strategy, and it is responsible for running the Algorithm.

Solving the Ecommerce problem with Strategy

After knowing the Strategy pattern and the problem it solves, we can assume that it fits very well in solving our e-commerce problem. We have different algorithms (each one responsible for calculating a product’s fees differently). Furthermore, we don’t know the exact number of categories we can have in the future and grow.

I will start creating an object that represents our products, and it’s just a DTO with getters and setters:


class Product
    private string $name;
    private string $category;
    private float $price;
    private float $taxes;

    public function getCategory(): string
        return $this->category;

    public function setCategory(string $category): Product
        $this->category = $category;
        return $this;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): Product
        $this->name = $name;
        return $this;

    public function getPrice(): float
        return $this->price;

    public function setPrice(float $price): Product
        $this->price = $price;
        return $this;

    public function getTaxes(): float
        return $this->taxes;

    public function setTaxes(float $taxes): Product
        $this->taxes = $taxes;
        return $this;

The idea is to look into the category and use it to calculate and return its tax.

Let’s design the first element of our pattern, the Strategy interface:

interface TaxCalculatorStrategy
    public function calculate(Product $product): float;

If you look at the interface above, you will see that it defines a method responsible for calculating the Tax of a product passed as a param to this method.

Now we need to implement our concrete strategies, and the first one is for the foods category:

class FoodTaxStrategy implements TaxCalculatorStrategy
    const TAX_RATE = 30.0;

    public function calculate(Product $product): float
        return $product->getPrice() * (self::TAX_RATE / 100);

Now we will implement the electronics category:

class ElectronicTaxStrategy implements TaxCalculatorStrategy
    const TAX_RATE = 40.0;

    public function calculate(Product $product): float
        return $product->getPrice() * (self::TAX_RATE / 100);

and last but not least, the strategy used by the books category:

class TaxFreeStrategy implements TaxCalculatorStrategy
    public function calculate(Product $product): float
        return 0;

Note: I create this TaxFreeStrategy to be more generic and not attached to a specific category, so maybe I can use it in different categories that require it in the future.

Now let’s implement the last part of our pattern, the Context class (this class can be named what makes more sense into your project):

class Context
    private TaxCalculatorStrategy $taxCalculatorStrategy;

    public function __construct(TaxCalculatorStrategy $taxCalculatorStrategy)
        $this->taxCalculatorStrategy = $taxCalculatorStrategy;

    public function calculateProduct(Product $product): void
        $taxes = $this->taxCalculatorStrategy->calculate($product);


If you take a closer look at this class, you will see that it encapsulates a strategy, it receives the interface, making it possible to use any Concrete Strategy. We need to define which class will be used and call the calculation method.

Outside of all those classes above is your project that can be a simple PHP script, a Laravel framework, Symfony (Controller, Model, Repository, Service layer), it doesn’t matter what it is, I will show the simple example above using those classes:

$product = new Product;
$product->setName('Product Test')

switch ($product->getCategory()) {
    case 'electronics':
        $strategy = new ElectronicTaxStrategy;
    case 'food':
        $strategy = new FoodTaxStrategy;
    case 'books':
        $strategy = new TaxFreeStrategy;
        throw new \Exception('Strategy not found for this category.');

$context = new Context($strategy);

echo $product->getTaxes();

If you are asking yourself why we still have this conditional block, and the answer is that we will not get rid of it by just applying the Strategy pattern, however, we have different approaches to do so. The most important is that we could split the algorithms responsible for the calculation into smaller blocks of code, and they are standardized and easy to change, and in use them depending on different conditions. We took the code’s spiral inside our unlimited number of if conditions and turned it into a much more modular code using object orientation.

I hope you liked this articles; let me know if you have any questions about it, and don’t forget to check the GitHub repository here

Don’t forget to add me on LinkedIn and follow me on GitHub for more updates!


Top 8 Free and Paid Resources for Learning Laravel


No matter if you’re brand new to Laravel or have been using it for years, there’s always something new to learn. The framework and its ecosystem are constantly evolving and growing to improve the overall developer experience. So, it can be quite important to keep up to date with the latest changes so that you don’t fall behind.

It’s also likely that you’ve run into a coding problem once or twice and needed to reach out to people online for a bit of advice and help. Let’s be honest, as developers we spend quite a lot of time searching online on a daily basis looking things up. Whether it be to jog our memory on a certain algorithm or to look at possible ways of tackling new pieces of code.

The list below shows you 8 different places you can go online to give help you learn Laravel, keep up to date with it and also ask community members questions:

Laracasts (Free and Paid)

Laracasts is an online platform that has over 1700 lessons that you can use to learn about Laravel and other web programming related topics. The great thing about Laracasts is that it doesn’t focus solely on Laravel; it also has lessons based around tooling, testing and different programming languages. For example, there is a series of lessons based around getting your IDE (integrated development environment) or text editor, such as PHPStorm or Visual Studio Code, set up to make your development experience more productive.

At the time of writing this article, some of the lessons on Laracasts are free and you can view them without having to spend any money at all! However, I would strongly recommend signing up for a paid account, which is $15/month, so that you can get full access to all of the tutorials.

Another great thing about the Laracasts are it’s forums and the helpful community. If you ever have any questions or an issue that you can’t figure out, you can post it on to the forum. A large majority of the time, someone will reply to you with an answer that helps you solve your problem.

Laravel News (Free)

Laravel News is the official Laravel news source. They post new articles, tutorials and tips on a daily-basis as well as provide a newsletter that is sent out regularly. These articles always have useful information about different topics or new Laravel packages that you can use within your code.

Although Laravel News doesn’t have a forum like Laracasts, the newsletter and podcast that they provide are extremely beneficial at keeping you up to date with the latest goings-on in the Laravel space.

As a side note, I’ve actually had two of my Laravel packages that I’ve built in the past (Laravel Exchange Rates and Laravel Executor) featured on the Laravel News website. If you’d like to check them out, the articles were: Laravel Exchange Rates API Package and Simplify Installing and Updating your App With Laravel Executor.

Laravel Documentation (Free)

One of the most useful resources for helping you learn how to use Laravel is the official Laravel documentation. The documentation is really detailed and covers a large amount of the framework that you would touch when working on projects.

Typically, huge amounts of documentation can feel overwhelming and can feel like being bombarded with too much information at once. However, I personally feel like the Laravel documentation does a really good job of splitting things out and making it easy to understand. Even after working with Laravel for years, I still always have the documentation open in a tab in my web browser just in case I need to quickly brush up on a topic.

Top tip: For any of you that use DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you can search for “!laravel” and it will take you straight to the Laravel documentation.

Udemy (Paid)

Udemy is a video platform that’s similar to Laracasts. It sells online video courses that you can use to learn about a range of topics. However, they have a section that is dedicated to Laravel and learning how to use it; ranging from beginner to advanced courses.

I’ve never personally used Udemy myself, but I know other developers that I work with that swear by it and find it extremely useful.

Stack Overflow (Free)

If you’ve ever done any type of software or web development, chances are you, you probably visit Stack Overflow on a daily basis. But if you’re just starting out as a developer, you might not have heard of it yet.

Stack Overflow is an online question-and-answer site for developers. As an example, say if you have a question about something or have a bug in your code, you could post your question on Stack Overflow and someone would try and answer it for you. However, the chances are that if you’ve got a problem, someone else has already had it, posted the question and got an answer that solved their issue. So, Stack Overflow can be a great resource that contains almost instant answers for any problems that you might run into.

If you need to ask a question though because it doesn’t already exist there, the community is usually really quick at answering.

GitHub (Free)

This resource is slightly different to some of the others above and might be a little more suitable for more experienced developers rather than any novices. There are countless Laravel projects and packages that you can find on public GitHub repositories. So, this means that there are a lot of places that you can look at to get ideas for development.

As an example, when I first started writing Laravel packages, I wasn’t too sure on where to start. So, after reading through the Laravel documentation, I also checked out how other packages had been written. I looked at some of the official Laravel packages, such as Telescope, and also looked at how some of the Spatie packages were written. Being able to look at real-life examples of code can sometimes be more valuable than just looking at documentation that explains something. It gives you an insight and context into how things are actually done in practice.

As a small side note as well, once you feel that you have enough experience with Laravel, you could maybe start contributing to open-source projects. This can be a little bit daunting at first but can feel extremely rewarding when your first pull request is accepted. When you make your pull request, the maintainers of the project will review your changes and additions to check that they’re okay to pull in. It’s usually during this stage that you get feedback on any changes you might need to make to get the pull request approved and merged. This feedback can really help you grow as a developer.

Reddit (Free)

Reddit is one of my personal favorite resources for keeping up to date with the latest Laravel and PHP topics. The r/laravel and r/php subreddits are made up of large communities of developers who can answer questions that you might have.

I have asked questions on Reddit many times in the past for suggestions on how to tackle issues and have always been able to find an answer. The r/laravel subreddit also has a weekly “No Stupid Questions” thread that you can use to comment on and ask questions. Just remember though, if you’re asking any questions in any of the subreddits that you follow their rules; otherwise your post will get deleted.

If you don’t want to post anything or ask any questions, the two subreddits can also be really helpful for keeping up to date with the latest news on the ecosystem.

Other Laravel Developers (Free and Paid)

One resource for learning Laravel that developers often overlook is possibly one of the most valuable… other developers. Sometimes, it can be really easy to sit and stare at a problem for a few hours without getting anywhere with it. Usually when this happens, it can be best to get an opinion from someone else who is looking at the problem from a different perspective. For this reason, it can be really useful to have other developers as friends or as someone you can contact.

If you only have a quick question, quite a lot of developers will probably be happy to help you out and lend a helping hand (I know I would!). But, obviously, you have to remember that other people also have things they need to do and won’t want to be spending too much time helping you out for free. So, if you do contact a developer for help, try not to do it too often as it might discourage them from wanting to help you.

Sometimes, you might also want to pay a more experienced developer to have a chat for an hour or two to go over some topics. Like I mentioned earlier, looking at documentation can give you an idea of how something is done, but speaking to someone can help you understand the “why”. Speaking to senior developers can be extremely helpful because it’s likely that if you run into a problem that they’ve already experienced something similar themselves and know any pitfalls that you should to try to avoid.

If you have any questions about anything Laravel related or need any Laravel web development doing, you can always feel free to contact me and have a chat.

Originally published at
